Licensed Psychologist


I received my Ph.D. in School Psychology from Temple University and am a licensed psychologist in New York and Pennsylvania, and a Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP). I received my B.A. in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, M.A. in Forensic Psychology from John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and M.Ed. in School Psychology and Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis from Temple University.

Clinically, I am interested in supporting children with autism, I/DD, and PTSD, as well as other mental health conditions. I am also interested in working with youth who have experienced trauma, and who have been involved in the child welfare/foster care and juvenile justice systems. My research focus is interdisciplinary on autism/developmental disabilities, trauma/PTSD, mental health in the media, immigration, and the justice system. My dissertation was a mixed-methods study focused on justice-involved youths' perceptions of the mental health care they received while incarcerated.

Media Appearances

Selected Publications

Apps and Care: Clinical and Societal Applications of Media

Book Chapter in Handbook of Media Psychology: The Science and The Practice, 2024

Operational Definitions, Observation, and Behavioral Recording in Applied Behavior Analysis

Book Chapter in Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis for Children with Autism: Clinical Guide to Assessment and Treatment, 2023

A Model of Collaborative Advocacy to Protect Immigrants from Policy-Based Trauma and Harm

Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Sources of Anti-Immigrant Sentiments in Western Democracies: A Contextual Approach

Current Opinion in Psychology, 2022 (Peer-Reviewed Journal)

Campus Sexual Assault: Fact Sheet From an Intersectional Lens

American Psychological Association Graduate Students, 2023

Tips for Gaining Competency in Suicide Prevention as a Graduate Student

American Psychological Association Graduate Students gradPSYCH Blog, 2021

Promoting Restorative Practices in Schools

The Peace Psychologist, 2021 (p. 26)

Protecting Immigrants from Harm: Collaborative Advocacy Strategies for Mental Health Professionals and Community Activists

Report of the 2020 Interdivisional Immigration Project Commissioned by the CODAPAR American Psychological Association, 2021

Character of Education and Career & Technical Education Fact Sheet

Research-to-Policy Collaboration - Penn State Social Science Research Institute, 2020

Resolution on COVID-19 and Justice-Involved Populations

Official Statement from the Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice, 2020

Viral Teaching: Pandemic Psychology and Madness Via Media, Some Tips

The Amplifier Magazine, 2020 &

The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 2020 (Reprinted)

Selected Presentations

Supporting Immigrants’ Mental Health Needs Through Collaborative Advocacy

Pennsylvania Psychological Association Graduate Students Diversity Series Webinar, 2022

Teaching Mands with Prompt Fading: A Systematic Review on Using Prompt and Script Fading in Mand Training

Poster Presentation at Temple University School Psychology, Counseling Psychology and ABA Virtual Conference, 2022

A Systematic Review of Technology-Supported Interventions for Children with Autism 

Poster Presentation at National Association of School Psychologists 2022 Annual Convention

TikTok Therapy: An Exploratory Study on Popular TikTok Mental Health Content

Poster Presentation at American Psychological Association’s Technology, Mind & Society, 2021

Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities

Workshop at Psychologists for Social Responsibility Uprooting Carceral Psychology: Healing Justice Conference, 2021

Trauma and ASD Severity: Considering ACES for Youth with Autism

Poster Presentation at Division 16 SASP Student Research Forum at American Psychological Association 129th Annual Convention, 2021

The Pixel Pandemic: Advances in Apps and Media Effects in Learning and Life

Poster Presentation at American Psychological Association 129th Annual Convention, 2021

Writing the Friendly Critique: Tools for Peace from the Perspective of Student Reviewers

Symposium Talk at American Psychological Association 129th Annual Convention, 2021

Producing Policy

SPSSI Graduate Student Committee Webinar, 2021

Leveraging Technology to Expand Mental Health Care Access in Jails and Prisons

Paper Presentation at 22nd Biennial Conference of the International Consortium for Social Development, 2021

Promoting Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Father Involvement in the Child Welfare System

Workshop at The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children 28th Colloquium, 2021

Dismantling the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Black Girls

Symposium Talk at Benjamin V. Cohen Peace Conference: Building a Beloved Community, 2021

Teaching Race and Media Representation in Core Courses

Panelist for 'Race and Media Representation' Roundtable at Diverse Pasts, Inclusive Futures, 2021

Rett Syndrome: Background, Needs, Assessment, & Intervention

Poster Presentation at Temple University School Psychology, Counseling Psychology and ABA Virtual Conference, 2021

Outside the Bars: Impact of Family Member Incarceration on Women in the Community

Workshop at Association for Women in Psychology Annual Conference, 2021

Making Strangers: Challenging “Otherness” of Incarcerated Individuals

Panelist for 'Making Strangers' Roundtable at Roots Run Deep: Racism & Xenophobia in the Era of COVID-19, 2020

Behavior Analysis as a Means of Transforming the System of Corrections

Poster Presentation at ABAI’s Culturo-Behavior Science Conference, 2020

Coping with COVID-19: Twitter Content Analysis of Global Mental Health

Poster Presentation at Global Alliance’s Coming Together for Action Conference, 2020

Extended Impact of Trauma: Equity of Extracurricular Engagement

Poster Presentation at Global Alliance’s Coming Together for Action Conference, 2020

Beneath the Surface: Becoming Aware of and Coping With Your Underlying Emotions

Webinar for Latin American Leadership Academy, 2020

Gaining the Upper Hand: Assessment and Handedness

Poster Presentation at National Association of School Psychologists 2020 Annual Convention

Honors, Awards, & Grants

American Psychological Association Division 46 Presidential Citation (2023)

American Psychological Association Division 46 Presidential Citation (2022)

American Psychological Association Division 1 Presidential Trio Award (2022)

Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP) Professional Development Award (2022)

University Fellowship, Temple University College of Education and Human Development (2018-2022)

Miodus, S. (2021). Justice-Involved Youth Perceptions of Mental Health Care Services in Institutional Settings. SPSSI Grant-in-Aid. Awarded: $1000

Miodus, S., Cadenas, G.A., Morrissey, M.B., & Cárdenas Bautista, E. (2021). Building Immigration Advocacy Consortia: Advancing Human Rights and Social Justice. APA Division 48 Small Grant Award. Awarded: $3000

American Psychological Association Division 46 Presidential Citation (2021)

Appointed to serve on Technology Pillar for American Psychological Association Summit on the Future of Education and Practice (2021)

Dr. W.M. Polishook Tribute Fund Commencement Award, Temple University College of Education (2020)

Pinkerton Graduate Community Fellowship, The Pinkerton Foundation (2017-2018)

Leadership & Advocacy

I am involved in local, state, and national psychology leadership, including as the American Psychological Association Division 46 Convention Program Co-Chair and American Psychological Association Division 1 Convention Program Chair, and am also a Certified Americans with Disabilities Act Advocate. I am passionate about advocacy on issues related to neurodiversity, mental health, education, disability rights, immigration, and the justice system. In my work, I seek to uplift and amplify the voices of those who are directly impacted by these and other systems. I have advocacy leadership experience, previously serving on the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students Advocacy Coordinating Team and as Advocacy Chair for the Pennsylvania Psychological Association Graduate Student Board of Directors.

I also serve on the American Psychological Association Division 37 Diverse Racial Ethnic and Multicultural (DREAM) Special Interest Group Executive Committee, where I compiled a Guide of Anti-Racism Resources for Parents and Professionals Working With Children and Families.

I am also committed to efforts to expand opportunities and create inclusive spaces for those who are underrepresented in the field of psychology. As former American Psychological Association Division 46 Student Committee Co-Chair, I co-created the Grad Stepping Program, an initiative to increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation of underrepresented students.

I also have non-profit leadership experience and am currently Executive Director of a non-profit I co-founded, Stocking Hope.

Clinical Certifications & Trainings

Level I Regulation Focused Psychotherapy for Children (RFP-C) trained

PEERS® for Adolescents Certified by UCLA PEERS® Clinic

PEERS® Telehealth Certified by UCLA PEERS® Clinic

Certified Level 1 in the Resilience Builder Program® (Alvord, Zucker & Grados, 2011)


I have experience teaching, as instructor of record, courses on child development, mental illness, and interpersonal communication. 

Students have noted:

"The instructor created a nice and comfortable environment for students of all different backgrounds."

"Stephanie has a great attitude and it was really interesting to hear about her own studies."

"This class was always inclusive and inviting, and I enjoyed being in this class."

"Our professor was extremely accepting and created an environment where we could talk about difficult topics without being judged."

"Professor was accessible, organized and very kind. This has been one of the most useful courses I've ever had."

"Stephanie is an excellent instructor that really cares for her students, and makes learning about psych fun. She is very engaging during class and makes fun activities that help us gain different perspectives on different topics/ issues."

"Steph was unbelievably kind and always made herself available."

"I loved how passionate Stephanie is about all the topics discussed in class. I could clearly tell she was very interested in the subjects discussed in class. She is very respectful and helped me become more aware of things."

"What I think was the most helpful was how organized Stephanie is and how quickly she responds to emails! She is extremely efficient with communication and is very helpful."

"She was a good teacher and always had a positive energy about her that encouraged me to engage in class."

"She was very well versed in the subject so she was excited to share that knowledge and she did it in an innovative way."

Licenses and Certifications

Nationally Certified School Psychologist (#66988), National Association of School Psychologists


PhD, School Psychology (2023), Temple University

Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate (2023), Temple University

MEd, School Psychology (2019), Temple University

MA, Forensic Psychology (2018), John Jay College of Criminal Justice

BA, Psychology (2016), University of Pennsylvania

(c) Stephanie Miodus (2022)  -- Temple University, PhD (2023)